Mini Meals

To keep your metabolism burning fat all day long and to prevent yourself from overeating at a given sitting, you should eat several mini meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 large meals.

Your body has trouble digesting large portions of food at once, and anything excess gets stored as fat. Therefore, if you continuously feed your body small and nutritious portions of food throughout the day, you’ll remain satisfied and keep your metabolism working at its maximum capability.

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Nishant Joshi

Nishant Joshi

is a National level Sportsman and a certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert with Master ‘s degree in Exercise Science (Corrective Exercises). PG Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition. Bachelors in PE and Sports Sciences. Yoga Therapy Instructor Course from SVYASA. Certificate in Group Exercise (ACE). Certificate in Aerobics ( AFAA). Certificate in Mind conditioning and Pranic Energizing Technique - PET. Certificate in Energy Channelization and SMET - Stress Management. Art of Living Instructor Course . Meditation course from Preksha Meditation. Course in Vedanta under guidance of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Coimbatore. Course in Cyclic Meditation under guidance of Shri Dr Nagendra.