Know your Dosha

Have you ever wondered why on certain days you are restless, while at other times you’re calm and relaxed? Why certain foods give you indigestion and others don’t – or why you are gifted with a vibrant imagination while someone else is brilliant with numbers! All this is a play of dosha in our constitution.

Dosha is a sanskrit word which means “that which spoils, or causes things to spoil”, from this we can understand that the doshas have the propensity to cause disease in the body, this happens when they are aggravated, or out of balance. But there is much more to the doshas than their “spoiling” aspect, Dosha, as described by the ancient Indian system of healing, Ayurveda, is the natural tendencies or specific mind-body constitution that one is born with. Dosha therefore decides our body type, personality, thinking, food habits, and interactions.

The science of Ayurveda explains that the 5 major elements of fire, earth, air, water and space, which make up our bodies, combine into three broad divisions of dosha. Each dosha-category has a unique pattern affecting our style of behaviour and thinking. The study of dosha, therefore offers a more holistic understanding of health and illnesses, as well as the psychological construct of an individual.

Understand what dosha you are and increase your knowledge of this incredible science of life and learn the art of nurturing your life.

There are 3 different types of Dosha’s Vata, Kapha and Pitta.  To know which dosha you are, take this quiz!

Get a complimentary 3 days dosha cleansing plan, fill details below and start


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Nishant Joshi

Nishant Joshi

is a National level Sportsman and a certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert with Master ‘s degree in Exercise Science (Corrective Exercises). PG Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition. Bachelors in PE and Sports Sciences. Yoga Therapy Instructor Course from SVYASA. Certificate in Group Exercise (ACE). Certificate in Aerobics ( AFAA). Certificate in Mind conditioning and Pranic Energizing Technique - PET. Certificate in Energy Channelization and SMET - Stress Management. Art of Living Instructor Course . Meditation course from Preksha Meditation. Course in Vedanta under guidance of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Coimbatore. Course in Cyclic Meditation under guidance of Shri Dr Nagendra.