Components/Phases of fitness workout

According to the principle of training, a training session for overall fitness is divided into 4 parts or phases:

  1. Warm up – Warming your body up before a workout is absolutely vital.  Light cardio exercise for 5-10 minutes allows your body to gradually acclimate and become more efficient – your heart rate gradually increases, which in turn delivers more oxygen to the muscles.  The muscles begin interacting more efficiently with the nervous system.  Develop a light sweat; sweating earlier will help avoid overheating your body.  All of this reduces the risk for injury. Please note stretching is not a part of warm up.
  2.  General Training/conditioning: Working out in all components of fitness (cardio, strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition or agility) keeping in mind the targets to be achieved. In 60 min workout class this part should constitute around 30-35 min
  3. Core training: focused training for target areas (in 60 min session core training should be for 8-14 min
  4. Cool down:  Just like a warm-up, a cool-down allows the body to have a more gradual change.  This is especially important for the heart – it reduces the chances of irregular heartbeats and helps prevent blood pooling (this often leads to fainting).  Also, 5-10 minutes of reduced intensity permits lactic acid to be pushed through the muscles reducing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

This article is inspired by an interview where a well-established trainer said in the interview that cool down is not important…

Sad to see self-style fitness trainers booming up in the market, having no knowledge of the human anatomy, bio mechanics and principles of training .Due to which people joining the workout are actually harming their bodies and facing many health problems instead of reaping the  benefits of exercises.


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Nishant Joshi

Nishant Joshi

is a National level Sportsman and a certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert with Master ‘s degree in Exercise Science (Corrective Exercises). PG Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition. Bachelors in PE and Sports Sciences. Yoga Therapy Instructor Course from SVYASA. Certificate in Group Exercise (ACE). Certificate in Aerobics ( AFAA). Certificate in Mind conditioning and Pranic Energizing Technique - PET. Certificate in Energy Channelization and SMET - Stress Management. Art of Living Instructor Course . Meditation course from Preksha Meditation. Course in Vedanta under guidance of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Coimbatore. Course in Cyclic Meditation under guidance of Shri Dr Nagendra.